Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Chicken Posole

On a chilly day, it serves well as simple breakfast or late night snack, or just as side soup with a meal.

Here is my simple recipe.

prep-time: 5-7 min.
Cooking time: 3-5 min.
serving for 1
1/4 cup red onion medium size diced
1 can chicken posole from any grocery's hispanic food aisle
1 tablespoon cilantro diced
2-4 wedges of lime or lemon medium size

1. Open the soup can, then pour into a large bowl.
2. Microwave the soup for 1 min. then stir. Continue until it reaches to desired temperature
3. Top the warm soup with diced onion and cilantro.
4. sprinkle over with lime or lemon wedges to taste.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


오늘 처음으로 오이 소박이를 담아봤다. 내참... 시간이 많으니 내가 안하던 짓들을 다 하고...
inblue 님의 recipe 를 응용했는데... 맛은 참... 그저 그렇다...역시 레시피를 아무 이유없이 ingredient를 바꾸는 건 아닌가 보다... 허탈!

김치용 고춧가루가 없어 cayenne pepper로 대신하고, 오이는 일본마켓에서 일본 오이로 대신. 근데 난 잘 모르겠다. 일본 오이, 조선 오이... 내 눈엔 똑 같은 것 같은데 뭐가 틀린건지...ㅊㅊ

새우젓도 그냥 태국제 멸치젓으로 대신했다. 근데 양념비율이 적혀있지 않아 그냥 1:1:1 로 했다. 간 마늘:멸치젓:고춧가루. 영 맛이 이상하다. 마늘냄새가 너무난다. cayenne pepper도 생각보다 좀 많이 맵다. 익으면 좀 나으려나...? 어쨋든 한번 기다려보지 뭐. ㅠ.ㅠ

한국음식은 참 복잡하고 시간, 비용 엄청든다. 새삼 전업 주부님들이 존경스럽다. 난 모양 따라하는 건 자신있다. 근데 이런 고유의 맛은 일단 기본이 필요한 것 같고, 또 손맛이란 게 이론적으로나 모양으로만은 안되는 것 같다. 내 입맛 만으론 좋은 한국음식을 만들 순 없으려나?!

어쨌든 요리는 경험이 중요하다는 걸 새삼 깨닫게 되는 값진 경험했다.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

마지막 만찬

Joana & Kyle: They studied with me for 6 years. How time flies...

Full of Wits and Comedy. Raymond & Anthony. I will miss A's laughter and spontaneous wits. Ray is my schedule manager. Always reminds me of...everything! What am I going to do without you guys now ㅜ.ㅜ

BOSCO's Signature Dessert, "Tiramisu"! One of the best in town~

후식메뉴로 빠질 수 없는 팥빙수. 요즘 LA에선 팥빙수 vs. Frozen Yogurt 의 전쟁이 한창이다. 나? 당연히 팥빙수다. 모두들 맛 있다며 먹고 또 먹고~

Cozy Shot at BOSCO Bakery in Koreatown

One Last Click! @CHAPMAN Plaza

오늘 졸업생 몇몇을 불러 한국 음식을 사주기로 했다. Kyle, Raymond, Joana, & Anthony는 나와 함께 오래 공부한 학생들이다. 왠지 시원섭섭한 기분은 매년 똑같지만 학생들 하나하나와 만들어진 추억은 그 나름대로 색다르고 특별하다. 이번 졸업생들은 은근히 알짜들이다. 대학은 관심이 없던 아이가 성악전공을 하게됐고, 전교 10등을 하던 우등생이 가정형편상 가고 싶은 학교를 일단 포기해야 했고, 동성애자로 늘 당당하던 아이는 아주 보수적인 중부로 대학진학을 한다. 나름 열악한 환경에서 자랐지만, 아무도 부모를 원망하거나 비뚤어 지지 않고 자신의 환경에서 최선을 다하여 좋은 결과들을 가졌다. Joana 가 가고 싶은 대학을 일단 포기한게 가장 마음이 아프다. 그러나, 본인은 당당하고 미래를 낙관적으로 보고있다. 17살 어린 소녀가 어디서 그런 다부진 기질이 솟아나는지... 내 제자지만 존경스럽다, 이럴땐. 이들과 고교 마지막 만찬을 나누련다.

A Last Supper

Kyle, Raymond, Joana, Anthony and I are going out to a Korean BBQ for dinner tonight. They are the graduating class of 2007 from my Chamber Singers. Yes, students graduate every year and I am famous for my sentimental tears at the end of each spring concert. This tradition continues every year, and the memories with individual students are unique and precious.

Monday, June 25, 2007

뜨거운 밥

영상을 보시려면 여기 꾹~ 눌러 주세용!

카레먹고 체했다면 믿을려나?! 어쨌든 맛있게 먹긴했다. 뒷끝이 좀 그랬지만. 앞으로 일주일동안 먹을일이 걱정되오. 벌써부터.

난 같은 음식을 하루이상 먹으면 식욕이 없어진다. 그냥 찬음식, 남긴음식을 썩 좋아하는 편은 아님. 원래 그랬냐? 물론 아니지. 일하며 바쁜 스케줄탓 하며 외식을 자주하다 보니 나도 모르게 어느날 알게 된 사실. 별로 까다로운 입은 아니지만 모두들 내가 미식가란다. 하긴, 미식가라면 미식가지. 레스토랑 왠만한 곳은 다 가보고 재료의 신선도, 맛의 격 등은 한두입이면 안다...

옛말이 생각나느군. 어른들이 옛적에 말쌈하시길, '어릴땐 뭘 먹어도 맛있었지...'. 그땐 그랬다. 아니, 세상에 맛 없는 음식도 있나? 먹성이 좋은 나에겐 입짧은 사람이 이해가 않됐다. 왜냐? 그땐 뭘 먹어도 맛 있었으니깐! 아~~~~ 그리운 어린 시절이여...

오늘 카레밥에 체하고 센티해졌다. 그리고, 뜨거운 밥 구경은 커녕 지금도 굶고있을 많은 어린이들에게 미안하다.

Diet One

breakfast: natto & rice & egg (sesame oil, masago, nori, furikake)
lunch: fish & salad (salmon, arugula, tomato, celery, onion, olive oil)
dinner: tofu curry & rice & kimchi & salad (arugula, tomoato, cucumber, onion, olive oil, vinegrette)
snack: kiwi, apple, plain yogurt
other: aojiru powder, vinegar
drink: green tea, oolong tea, milk, water

Sunday, June 24, 2007

In-N-Out Burger


If you live in Southern California, you cannot NOT know In-N-Out Burger. Always fresh ingredients. Fresh potatoes being sliced then dumped into the frying pit right in front of your eyes, then served as hot and crispy and thin french fries is another reason to go dine at In-N-Out!

I love listening to my sister-in-law's evening classical program at a Korean radio station, but can never find the time to do it. So while I was waiting in a long drive-thru line of local IN-N-OUT, I listened to her program. Mozart's Clarinet Concerto & Korsakov's Bumblebee was the dessert menu for me~

Complete meal package!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

이열치열일까? 더위먹어 판단력 상실?

"어디선가 퍼온 그림"

왜 더운날 뜨거운 국물이 생각나지? 그리고! 삼계탕도 아니고 매콤한 국물도 아니고, 떡국이 땡기는 연유가 대체 무엇이란 말이냐...

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Lunch Box for Hollywood Bowl Concert

No, I DO NOT work for Julienne. Just happen to like their food! :)

Going to Hollywood Bowl is an exciting event! I usually spend the entire day thinking about what to bring, what to eat, and how to maximize my enjoyment while there. And the planning itself is half the joy. However, lately, I've been feeling rather bored about spending too much time on cooking, but rather into getting a decent bottle of wine and simple sandwich and cheese to accompany it. So, I looked around to find good substitutes for my day-worth of cooking effort. Yes, there are other great places too, but if you want nice, pleasant, and relatively light meal, try Julienne's Spa Lunch Box. It comes with half a sandwich, gourmet salad, fruits, and a small dessert pastry, too.

Includes a choice of a half sandwich, side salad, fruit garnish, and a bite of something sweet (excluding the Spa Lunch Boxes. Plastic cutlery is included. Lunch Boxes with a half sandwich are available daily in our deli case.

Spa Lunch Box served with Simple Baby Greens, Mushrooms, Pear and Cherry Tomatoes, Red Onions and Lemon Herb Vinaigrette, and a side of Fruit Garnish

* with Chicken Breast, Dijon Mustard, 10.50
* with Cilantro Poached Salmon, 12.50

Monday, June 11, 2007

Japanese Bento

I still haven't ordered the bento boxes for tomorrow's field trip. It'll be perfect if I could find one looking just like this~

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Vertical Wine Bistro Review

Tucked in a less-traveled yet highly praised street corner of Raymond and Union. Many of my favored restaurants are also on the same street. Café Bizou, Chado, Yujean Kang's, etc. Also there are couple other wine tasting bars just couple blocks away.

Not easy to notice. Makes me wonder... maybe the owner doesn't want people to find him easily. ye know like hard to get game stuff. - - ;;; Anyway, climbing its narrow stairs makes you think ahead. "Maybe I shouldn't drink and walk", haha;;;! Well, don't ya worry. they DO have an elevator for those who'd indulged themselves with good wines and food at the Bistro.

What I liked about this place is that the paper menu with leather binding string is provided for customers to take home or keep it there for next visit. You can make a note on your personalized ratings of their wines. The wine list? Well, it's definitely NOT a premium quality but decent for its price range. Ideal for semi-formal outings with your close friends and significant others.

The ambiance and service? Not bad at all. Its modern, chic interior with dim-lit lightings create classy and romantic ambiance. Perhaps a great choice with co-workers or business partners as well as couples and friends. I believe most wine bars in America are age-specified as 21 and over.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

한국말 테스트

Painting Source:

오늘 조엔님이 왔다 가셨다네요. 여성스럽게스리 발자국 흔적 하나 없이 가시다니... 하하~ 어쨌든 저의 작은 공간에 오시는 모든 분들(?) 감사해용~~~ 근데... 그러고 보니 걱정이군... 내 친구들과 인터넷은 영 친하질 않는데... 천상 조엔님이 손가락품(?)을 파셔야 될듯. 어쨋든 한분이라도 환영환영, 발자국 마니마니 남겨주시고요. ;

내가 좋아하는 공간, 음식, 차, 와인, 음식 문화와 발상지 등등 내가 여름방학을 알차게 보내는 곳이 되지 않을까~ 기대해 봅니다. 아, 왜 방학이냐! 하하, 왜일까요? ㅋㅋㅋ 어쨌든, 친근함을 잃지않기 위해 가끔씩 엉성한 한국말로도 업데잇~ 할께용! 내일은 오랜만에 Sunday Brunch를 먹으라 나가볼까 생각 중! 어쨌든 생각은 to be continued!

"Perfectly Sweet" in Alhambra, CA

This is my favorite bakery in San Gabriel Valley. It doesn't even have a website, but the business is never dull.

Style: French/American
Interior: French/English Country
The taste: Scrumptious with slightly heavier texture.
The Price: Each slice is $4.25 and small cake sells for $20- and up,
Favorite: Flourless chocolate cake!
Tea/Coffee: Mighty Tea Leaves Teabag, Flavored Gourmet Coffee
Seating: Very limited
Reservation:Caterings or Take-outs only. No table reservations.
My Rating: *****

Julienne Restaurant in San Marino & Manchego Cheese

Anita and I had lunch together yesterday at Julienne. This is one of my favorite spot to dine in San Gabriel Valley area. I had Arugula Salad with Manchego Cheese along with a slice of Bacon & Spinich Quiche. The food was PERFECT, but not at first. The waiter made a mistake and brought with him an order of Chinese Chicken Salad instead of the Arugula Salad I originally ordered. Of course, living up to their name and having a good review on friendly services to the customers, the manager immediately brought the Arugula Salad with an apology.

My first time trying a salad with Manchego Cheese here or anywhere else! Like Anita said, it was not as sharp but pleasant on my palate. Manchego Cheese is one of the most famous cheese from Spain. And where have I been not to have tasted this before while the world knows it as Spanish signature cheese...dang! It is made from the whole milk of Manchega Sheep from La Mancha of Spain. Click here to read more about Manchego Cheese.

BTW, doesn't La Mancha sound familiar to anyone? Yes, the broadway musical, The Man of La Mancha based on the novel Don Quixote written by Cervantes! La Mancha is also known for its beautiful windmills.

Photo Courtesy of "Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia"